Intertwined Histories of Social Justice within Middle Eastern American and African American Communities: A Conversation with Dr. Cornel West
UNC Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies, other campus partners
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 5:30 p.m.
Moeser Auditorium, Hill Hall
Cornel West, the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Professor of Philosophy & Christian Practice at Union Theological Seminary, will speak about comparative movements, both historical and contemporary, and what we can glean from thinking broadly about our pasts and present. He will be joined in conversation with UNC faculty Nadia Yaqub (Asian and Middle Eastern Studies) and Youssef Carter (Religious Studies) with Christian Lundberg (Communication Studies) as moderator, followed by an audience Q&A.
This event is sponsored by the UNC Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies in partnership with the Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Center for the Study of American South, Program for Public Discourse, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Curriculum in Global Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, and Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
NOTE: Cornel West is appearing in his personal capacity at this event and not on behalf of any federal campaign committee.
Admission is free but registration is required: