Lecture: “A Galician Wedding: Yiddish Popular Culture”

Oskar Czendze

Oskar Czendze

Lecture: “A Galician Wedding: Yiddish Popular Culture”
Monday February 20 | 5:30-7:00 PM
UNC-Chapel Hill
Register online

In his talk, Oskar Czendze will take the audience to the streets of New York’s immigrant neighborhood. Specifically, he will discuss to what extent the Yiddish press and the Yiddish theatre, such as in the musical comedy “A Galician Wedding,“ created and mobilized local and regional affiliations throughout the interwar period. What role did regionalism and popular culture play in the daily life of Jewish immigrants in New York? How did, for example, the cultural wars between Galitzianer and Litvak emerge, and what do they tell us about American Jewry after the First World War?

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