Discussion: “Protest and Crisis Politics in Kazakhstan: Understanding What Happened? & Considering What May Happen?” (virtual)
Join country and region experts Asel Doolotkeldieva (OSCE Academy), Dian Kudaibergenova (Cambridge), Edward Schatz (U of Toronto), and Sam Greene (King’s College) for a conversation on the current protests and political crisis in Kazakhstan. Moderated by Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS/Humbolt) Regina Smyth (Indiana U) Joshua Tucker (NYU, Jordan Center).
Presented by the Competitive Authoritarian Protest Research Network (CAPRN), The University of Manchester, ZOiS Centre for East European and International Studies, King’s College London’s Russia Institute, UNC’s Center for Slavic, and Eurasian, and East European Studies
UNC-Chapel Hill